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Signed Read Contract

Executes a signed read operation on a smart contract

What is a signed read?

In Ethereum, anyone can read from a contract by impersonating any address, by specifying the from parameter in an eth_call.

On Seismic, this is not the case. If you perform a standard eth_call and set the from address, Seismic will ignore this input.

To read from a specific address, instead use a Signed Read, which sends a signed message to the eth_call endpoint. When the signature is verified, it will execute the underlying call, also providing the from address

The purpose of signed reads is to allow contract developers to check against msg.sender inside non-transactional contract calls knowing that these calls cannot be spoofed. Therefore the developer can conditionally reveal data inside a Solidity view function based on msg.sender.


import { signedReadContract } from 'seismic-viem'


Executes a signed read operation on a smart contract.

A signed read is an operation unique to Seismic's blockchain. In Ethereum, users can make an eth_call and specify any from address. However, Seismic restricts this feature: any eth_call made to Seismic will have the from address overridden to zero. This is done so contract developers can check against msg.sender inside non-transactions knowing that these calls will not be spoofed.

To make a read that specifies a from address on Seismic, use signed reads. Essentially a signed read sends a signed, raw transaction to the eth_call endpoint. The msg.sender for the call is set to the transaction's signer.

const result = await signedReadContract(client, {
  abi: myContractAbi,
  functionName: 'balanceOf',
  address: '0x5678...',
  args: [],
console.log('Shielded balance:', result)

Return Value

Promise<unknown> - A promise that resolves to the response from the contract.



  • Type: ShieldedWalletClient

The client used to execute the signed read operation. Must be a ShieldedPublicClient or ShieldedWalletClient.

const result = await signedReadContract(client, {
  abi: myContractAbi,
  functionName: 'balanceOf',
  address: '0x5678...',


  • Type: SignedReadContractParameters

The parameters for the read operation.

const result = await signedReadContract(client, {
  abi: myContractAbi, 
  functionName: 'balanceOf', 
  address: '0x5678...', 
  args: [], 
  // Additional options for customizing the call request


  • Type: Abi

The contract's ABI.


  • Type: string

The name of the function to call.


  • Type: array

The arguments for the function.


  • Type: Address

The contract's address on the blockchain.


If the account is not specified for the operation.


  • If no account is specified in the parameters, the function defaults to using a standard read operation (readContract).
  • Encodes the ABI parameters and function selector for shielded calls.
  • Uses signedCall to securely sign and send the request.
  • The data returned by the contract call is decoded based on the provided ABI.