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Contract Instance

A ShieldedContract instance is a type-safe interface for performing contract-related actions on the Seismic blockchain. Create an instance with the getShieldedContract function.


import { getShieldedContract } from 'seismic-viem'


You can create a ShieldedContract instance with the getShieldedContract function by passing in an ABI, address, and a ShieldedWalletClient.

const contract = getShieldedContract({
  address: '0x1234...',
  abi: myContractAbi,
  client: shieldedWalletClient,
// Perform a shielded write
await contract.write.myFunction([arg1, arg2], { gas: 50000n })
// Perform a signed read
const value = await
console.log('Value:', value)

Return Value

ShieldedContract instance object with type inferred from the ABI.

Depending on the client you provide, different methods will be available on the contract instance:

Available Methods

  • write: Write to a contract with encrypted calldata
  • read: Read from a contract using a signed read
  • tread: Transparently read from a contract using an unsigned read (from the zero address)
  • twrite: Transparently write to a contract using non-encrypted calldata

Calling Methods

Contract instance methods follow this general format:

// function calls
contract.(read|write|tread|twrite).(functionName)(args, options)

If the contract function doesn't accept arguments, you can set the args parameter to an empty array []



  • Type: Address (0x${string})

The contract address.

const contract = getShieldedContract({
  address: '0x1234...', 
  abi: myContractAbi,
  client: shieldedWalletClient,


  • Type: Abi

The contract's ABI.

const contract = getShieldedContract({
  address: '0x1234...',
  abi: myContractAbi, 
  client: shieldedWalletClient,


  • Type: ShieldedWalletClient

The ShieldedWalletClient for performing contract actions with privacy features.

const contract = getShieldedContract({
  address: '0x1234...',
  abi: myContractAbi,
  client: shieldedWalletClient, 


  • The read property will always call a signed read
  • The tread property will toggle between public reads and signed reads, depending on whether an account is provided
  • The write property will encrypt calldata of the transaction
  • The twrite property will make a normal write with transparent calldata
  • The client must be a ShieldedWalletClient


  • If the wallet client is not provided for shielded write or signed read operations
  • If the wallet client does not have an account configured for signed reads